The Centre for Asset Studies is fortunate to have enthusiastic support from corporate patrons from across the infrastructure advisory community. As we are a not-for-profit organisation and do not offer commercial services, we refer requests for support to our patrons. If you’d like to speak with the specific volunteers behind any of our output, please do get in touch.

Our patrons support us by:

  • Making funding donations to help us cover our operational costs (things like travel, conference entry, web services, marketing and so on).

  • Offering ideas for subjects to consider, and problems to try to solve. We find these tend to be ‘high importance, low urgency’ issues that asset owning organisations don’t have the space to solve.

  • Allowing their staff to spend working time helping us do this work as well as provide peer review and quality control.

We always welcome support and interest - to find out how you can get involved please get in touch.